Chapter Overview

Chapter Overview:

Founded in 1982, ISM—EVA was initially created as the Purchasing Management Association of Tidewater (PMAT) for the education and advancement of purchasing professionals. In 1998,  the name was changed to the National Association of Purchasing Management — Southeastern Virginia (NAPM—SEVA). This was done to match the parent association's, then current, name of National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM). NAPM changed their name in 2002 to become the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). In 2015 the local affiliate “rebranded’ again, this time as ISM–Eastern Virginia, Inc. (ISM—EVA). This change would link them to ISM and help others identify the strong link and dedication to the profession.

Membership is for you if you…

  • enjoy networking with other professionals

  • are looking for growth and development opportunities…

  • have an interested in educational opportunities…

  • desire to stay current on industry trends and best practices…

  • want to drive change and be a part of an elite group…

  • looking for networking opportunities on the local level…  

Take the next step in your professional career, join ISM—EVA today!